Here are some photos of Addison eating her birthday cake. They got missed and you only get those (1st cake taste) photos once, so I thought I would share.
here is addison in her 4th of july dress from great gramma ramona-is she cute or what?!?!? here is mandy, miriam, heather and addison at mandy and jasons house brock and addison at jason and mandy's house. we went there for the 4th of july weekend. addison loved watching the fireworks.
So, here is addison eating a hotdog for lunch. when she had enough to eat, she decided she would just get rid of the rest, so one by one, the hotdog chunks went onto the floor.
at the park before going to the strawberry fest so this was PART of a REALLY REALLY long strawberry shortcake addison loved it!
Monday, July 14, 2008
reading a of my favorite things to do
this is her new favorite place to climb....the window sill in mommy and daddy's room playing in the tub mommy built me a was sooo much fun crawling through it over and over again