Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life as a mom

WOW! I can't believe that it has already been almost 3 weeks since Addison entered the world. Time sure flies by when you are having fun, or when you are trying to keep you baby from not crying, changing what seems like a hundred diapers a day, and trying to do everything else that needs to be done around the house. how exhausting! but i must say, that even though i have gotten very little sleep and not enough done around the house, i wouldn't change a thing. being a mom is the best gift i could ask for. sometimes it is hard for me to comprehend that, yes i am a mom and i am responsible for this child, and YES, i am the one that has to calm her down when she is screaming, i cant "give her back to mom"....I AM IT!!! kinda scary, but definately worth it, even at 4 in the morning when addison refuses to go back to sleep. my prayer for addison is that she will grow up knowing Christ and seeing Him through Brock and I and the way we treat each other. my prayer for Brock and I is that we will be the best parents we can be for addison, and not forget to spend time with each other. I am so greatful for this little bundle of joy. just looking at her makes me smile.

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